Sunday, November 29, 2009

Claus Moller Philosophy

Moller sees Personal Quality as the basis of all other types of quality.
It is the people who produce the goods who must be inspired to do their best, and this will only be mastered by improving the personal development of the individual.
This will lead to increased competence in Productivity, Relations and Quality.

The Moller twelve golden philosophies to improve personal quality are

1-Set personal quality goals
2-Establish your own personal quality account
3-Check how satisfied others are with your efforts
4-Regard the next link as a valued customer
5-Avoid errors
6-Perform tasks more efficiently
7-Utilize resources well
8-Be committed
9-Learn to finish what you start - strengthen your self-discipline
10-Control your stress
11-Be ethical - maintain your integrity
12-Demand quality

Moller two simple techniques for raising personal quality

In addition Moller has developed two simple techniques for raising personal quality
To do/check system (continuous self-checking the quality of performance)
The quality business card (devise a card which is a personal guarantee of quality of work).

Concerning company quality Moller lists 17 hallmarks of a quality company

1-Focus on quality development
2-Management participation in the quality process
3-Satisfied customers/users
4-Committed employees
5-Long-term quality development
6-Clearly-defined quality goals
7-Quality performance rewarded
8-Quality control perceived positively
9-Next person in work process is a valued customer
10-Investments in personnel training and development
11-Prevention/reduction of mistakes
12-Appropriate decision level
13-Direct route to end users
14-Emphasis on both technical and human quality
15-Company actions directed towards customer needs
16-Ongoing value analysis
17-Company recognition of its role in society